About Deneva

Started as a small startup company in 2009, Deneva has grown to be one of the prominent players in the hosting industry with more than 200.000 customers. We have been providing reliable, scalable, and secure cloud hosting solutions for individuals and businesses of all sizes. We always strive to deliver the best experience to our customers by leveraging effective and efficient automation systems to strip hassles. We are a dynamic and innovative company comprising multiple brands with energetic and passionate people.
"We believe that the Internet can make the world a more open and connected place, that everyone can create their web presence without hassle, and by owning a piece of the Internet, everyone should be able to express their thoughts and ideas. We are passionate about being part of it."
— Fuad Rahman Nugroho
Founder & Commissioner
Leadership Team
Board of Directors
Adi Setiawan
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Willih Angga Sudrajadh
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Toto Yulianto
VP of Infrastructure
Bimo Hutomo Adhi
VP of Marketing
Hernawan Fa'iz Abdillah
Head of Engineering
Adisty Caesari Putri
Customer Service Manager
Apriyani Kusuma Wardhani
Finance Manager
Kinan Diandrapinandita
HRGA Manager
Irfan Adi
Sysadmin Manager
Irwan Hadisurya
Network Operations Center Manager
Rhesa Adinegara
Head of Operations
(RNA, Nevacloud)
2009: DomaiNesia founded as a small hosting company in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2016: Exponential growth, incorporated as PT Delta Neva Angkasa (Deneva)
2019: Crossing 200.000 registered customers
2020: Nevacloud founded to serve Indonesian cloud computing market
2020: RNA founded as Indonesian accredited domain registrar
2023: Nevaweb founded as web development agency to serve SMBs